Yes, that might be true; but it is also true that this is a story full of adventure and so much shakespeaerean prose.
... And also a story with a very interesting lesson.
There is a scene just before the ending (SPOILER Alert); the dialogue is not said by Conan; rather, by the villain of the movie, Thulsa Doom, the evil sorcerer that made Conan see his father being devoured by dogs, and who also decapitated his mother right in front of him.
Just before Conan is about to kill him and take his revenge, Thulsa Doom speaks:
Those words have stuck with in my memory since I was a child and saw this move for the first time on the local tv-channel. At the end of the day, and contrary to what many would like to believe, is it adversity the one which finally shapes us as human beings; is it adversity which puts that hungry fire in our bellies and hearts.
It is not "The Secret"; it is not "The Universe"; it is not our "dreams"... It is Adversity.
Next time you are about to blame your bad circumstances, traumatic events or your fathers, don't forget to think that because of those, you are where you are.
Koly Siller